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Empowering Transformations For Women

Empowering Transformations For Women contains stories of 40 incredible women who’ve navigated their way through significant, life-altering transformations.  These women—many inspired by their less-than-ideal circumstances–stumbled along the way, but ended up facing the change with humor, grace and dignity.  In this book, they share their stories in order to ease your personal journey, and to provide necessary motivation and inspiration to make whatever empowering changes you envision for your own life.

These stories, filled with insights and raw emotion, illustrate how others like you made lasting changes to enhance their lives.  Used as an inspirational guide, these stories reinforce that you are not alone, and that if you trust your own innate intuition, you can successfully make the same types of empowering changes.  As you read and allow yourself to feel blessed and grateful, you will more clearly understand the power behind the concept that we are “all-one” as we move through this life.

  • How to listen to the voice of your spirit
  • Tap into your passion and live your life on purpose
  • Step out of your job and into entrepreneurial freedom
  • Release the past so you can move forward with ease
  • Discover techniques to relieve stress, tension and overwhelm
  • Heal your body through mind-body-spirit modalities
  • Use truth as a guide for business, personal and spiritual growth
  • Gracefully manage divorce, break-ups and abandonment
  • Experience total freedom regardless of your circumstances
  • Recognize that some hardships can lead to great joy
  • How to spot your Angels of assistance!

Price: $19.95

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Meditation CD – Chakra 1 – Muladhara

Join Caly Lehrer as she guides you through the first of seven chakras in her meditation collection, A Journey Through the Chakras.  MULADHARA is our first chakra (also known as our root/grounding chakra).  This CD features two guided meditations, totalling over 45 minutes of deeply transformational meditation, along with tips for meditating.  These meditations were created in a way to not only relax and restore balance, yet to also educate about each chakra.

Be one of the first to have Caly’s first creative endeavor dedicated to all of her incredible beloveds – YOU!

For those who purchase ALL 7 Chakra Meditation CDs, there will be a SPECIAL BONUS!!!

Price: $15.95

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3 Month Angel Card Reading

Whether in session with a client or throughout her daily personal life, Caly is ALWAYS connecting with her angels.  Sensing their beauty and their eagerness to help us all, one of Caly’s passions is helping others get to know more about the angelic realm.  We all have a minimum of two guardian angels who are with us throughout our entire earthly life.  Additionally, there are various archangels supporting us.  Caly works closely with specific archangels, as well as the elementals (or fairies) and spirit guides.

Do you wonder what messages your angels want to share with you?  If so, invest in an Angel Card Reading!

Price: $90.00

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6 Month Angel Card Reading

Whether in session with a client or throughout her daily personal life, Caly is ALWAYS connecting with her angels.  Sensing their beauty and their eagerness to help us all, one of Caly’s passions is helping others get to know more about the angelic realm.  We all have a minimum of two guardian angels who are with us throughout our entire earthly life.  Additionally, there are various archangels supporting us.  Caly works closely with specific archangels, as well as the elementals (or fairies) and spirit guides.

Do you wonder what messages your angels want to share with you?  If so, invest in an Angel Card Reading!

Price: $155.00

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12 Month Angel Card Reading

Whether in session with a client or throughout her daily personal life, Caly is ALWAYS connecting with her angels.  Sensing their beauty and their eagerness to help us all, one of Caly’s passions is helping others get to know more about the angelic realm.  We all have a minimum of two guardian angels who are with us throughout our entire earthly life.  Additionally, there are various archangels supporting us.  Caly works closely with specific archangels, as well as the elementals (or fairies) and spirit guides.

Do you wonder what messages your angels want to share with you?  If so, invest in an Angel Card Reading!

Price: $265.00

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Ask and Receive Meditation CD

What is your hearts desire?  What do you wish for more than anything?  Job?  Money?  Love?  What is it?  If I were to ask you, “Where do you want to be three years from now?” could you truthfully answer that question in VIVID DETAIL?  If we don’t paint a crystal-clear picture of what it is we want, it’s comparable to telling a builder to build a house without a blueprint.  Imagine what that house would turn out looking like!  Well, it’s the same thing with our lives.  Join Caly Lehrer as she guides you towards manifesting what you have always wanted for yourself in this amazing guided meditation featuring more than one half hour of awareness and enlightenment set to soothing, comforting music.

Price: $10.95

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“The Journey” by Brandon Bays

An International Bestseller, “The Journey” is Brandon Bays remarkable story of healing.  Diagnosed with a basketball-size tumor in her uterus.  Brandon refused drugs and surgery, instead discovering a powerful direct path to the potent healing power of the soul.  Six and a half weeks later she was tumor free.  Join the hundreds of thousands worldwide who have since used “The Journey” to awaken their own infinite potential and set themselves free.  This book will tell you how.

Price: $14.00

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Meditation CD – Chakra 2 – Svadhisthana

Join Caly Lehrer as she guides you through the second of seven chakras in her meditation collection, A Journey Through the Chakras.  SVADHISTHANA is our second chakra (also known as our sacral chakra).  This CD features two guided meditations, totalling over 50 minutes of deeply transformational meditation.  These meditations were created in a way to not only relax and restore balance, yet to also educate about each chakra.

For those who purchase ALL 7 Chakra Meditation CDs, there will be a SPECIAL BONUS!!!

Price: $15.95

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Meditation CD- Chakra 3- Manipura

Join Caly Lehrer as she guides you through the third of our seven chakras in her meditation collection, A Journey Through the Chakras.  MANIPURA is our third chakra (also known as our solar plexus chakra).  This CD features two guided meditations, totalling almost an hour of deeply transformational meditation.  These meditations were created in a way to not only relax and restore balance, yet to also educate about each chakra.

For those who purchase ALL 7 Chakra Meditation CDs, there will be a SPECIAL BONUS!!!

Price: $15.95

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Meditation CD – Chakra 4 – Anahata

Join Caly Lehrer as she guides you through the Fourth of our seven chakras in her meditation collection, A Journey Through the Chakras.  ANAHATA is our fourth chakra (also known as our Heart Chakra).  This CD features two guided meditations, totalling over an hour of deeply transformational meditation.  These meditations were created in a way to not only relax and restore balance, yet to also educate about each chakra.

For those who purchase ALL 7 Chakra Meditation CDs, there will be a SPECIAL BONUS!!!

Price: $15.95

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